13 Russian foods

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Russian foods cuisine, which is inseparable from understanding the Russian festivals, is a most colorful cuisine in the world.
Despite all the changes brought by the foreign food, the basis of Russian foods was not affected during the centuries. It has preserved the typical national traits - régalade abundance and diversity of the table, the love for the consumption of bread, pancakes, pies, cachas, the originality of the first cold liquid dishes and dishes hot.

Examples of Russian foods:

Example 1 of Russian foods is Russian traditional meals:

The traditional Russian foods are always an opportunity to get the family together around a gourmet feast consisting of a Entries , a Main course and a Dessert.

Entries for a traditional Russian foods:

One can not imagine a traditional Russian meal without a good hearty soup. Russian soup is different from what we can taste it elsewhere as long cooked over low heat which tends to enhance the flavors.

Main dish of traditional Russian foods:

The traditional Russian meal is accompanied by a hearty dish with sauce, usually accompanied by good bread or potatoes boiled.

Dessert for a traditional Russian foods:

In a traditional Russian meals, cheese occupies an important place in the dessert. We can serve a cheesecake or syrnikie, kind of cheese balls.
We can also prepare baked apples, it's light after a traditional meal that usually wants consistent. No cinnamon or spices, the only added sugar.

Koulibiac salmon

Example 2 of Russian foods is Russian salad:

Ingredients of this Russian foods:

- 2 large potatoes.
- 3 carrots.
- 4 eggs.
- 1 small can of green olives.
- 1 can of tuna in brine.
- 2 red peppers.
- Mayonnaise.
- Salt and pepper.

Material needed this Russian foods:

- Pan 1.
- Knife 1.
- 1 bowl.

Preparation of this Russian foods:

- Cook the potatoes and carrots.
- Peel them and cut them into cubes.
- Heat the eggs and they are hard to peel them.
- Cut the peppers into strips.
- In a bowl, mix the potatoes, carrots, hard boiled eggs, olives, peppers and tuna with mayonnaise.
- Book in the refrigerator.

Koulibiac salmon

Example 3 of Russian foods is Koulibiac salmon:

An easy recipe for maximum effect. It can be served hot entry on holidays or as a main dish for 8 people. It can be prepared the day before.

Ingredients of this Russian foods for 8 people:

- 700 g of pure butter puff pastry.
- 800 g fresh salmon.
- 1 liter of bouillon.
- 150 g of rice.
- 300 g spinach washed and chopped.
- 5 + 2 egg yolks.
- 2 tablespoons cream.
- 1 lemon.
- 1 tablespoon of milk.
- Salt and pepper.

To serve this Russian foods:

- 300 g cream.
- 1 tablespoon chopped herbs (including dill).

Koulibiac salmon

Preparation of this Russian foods:

Dip the salmon in the cold broth and bring to small tremors and poach for 15 minutes. Drain it. Throw the rice in the broth (after salmon) and cook for 20 minutes. Harden 4 eggs. Dip the spinach in a pot of boiling salted water. It is 7 minutes back to the boil and then drain well.

Remove skin and bones from salmon. Cut into small pieces. Mix them in a large bowl with rice, spinach, sour cream, 2 egg yolks, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Shell them boiled eggs.

Turn the oven to gas mark 6 or 200 ° c. Oil a baking sheet. Roll out half the dough into a rectangle 35 cm long and 18 cm wide. Place on the baking sheet. Have some of the above preparation salmon leaving a free space of 2 cm around the edge. Align the hard-boiled eggs in the middle by pushing slightly. Cover with the remaining mixture. Spread the other half of the dough to the same dimensions. Break the last egg, separate the yolk from the white. Brush the free edges of the first rectangle with a brush dipped in egg white. Place above the other rectangle, pinch the edges to be welded. Incise the edges with a knife. Brush the koulibiac brush with beaten egg yolk with milk. Incise slightly top. Bake and cook for 45 minutes.

Just before serving this Russian foods, heat the cream in a saucepan without boiling. Salt and pepper. Add the herbs out of the fire. Koulibiak Serve sliced ​​on a serving plate and present the cream part on the side.