13 Healthy meats

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Healthy meats are excellent for balance of our diet. They are often wrongly discarded food by people wishing to lose weight as they provide protein and minerals iron and zinc.

When meats in advance you buy, you must pay attention to the date of installation package or the date of sale. Regarding conservation, fresh meat can be kept a few days in the refrigerator and are a healthy meats, excluding minced meat, which should be consumed within a few hours preparation otherwise it is not a healthy meats.

As for frozen meat, they can be stored for several months in the freezer and still healthy meats, but once they are thawed, it should be consumed immediately.

Here are some case studies to determine if we have healthy meats or not.

1. Red meat is it a healthy meats?

Disadvantages of red meat beyond its qualities beyond consumption of 1 to 2 times per week, especially if it is industrial, which is the case more than 90% of products consumed. Among other sources of animal protein (eggs from hens, fatty fish, lean fish, white meat) and vegetable proteins (mainly legumes, which are also very cheap), the choice is wide enough to s' without it for those who wish while having a perfectly balanced diet.

And for those who would still be able to eat, there is no problem if you limit yourself to one serving per week, a grass-fed animal, purchased from a good butcher or health food store , considering it as a pleasure food thus emphasizing quality and taste. As for meats, they are consuming more rarely by their high content of salt and nitrates.

healthy meats

2. Halal meat is it a healthy meats and better health meat?

Halal products have become very active in supermarket shelves in recent years. Identity recognition or niche marketing, they are increasingly consumed with a growth of over 10% per year and growing SEO.

This market surging extends even to non-Muslims, since for some halal products are of better quality. And especially meat halal certified, which would have a different taste of meat "ordinary".

healthy meats

3. Processed meats for lunch they are healthy meats?

According to experts, the processed animal flesh for lunch (such as sliced ​​meats sold in plastic containers) are often high in sodium and saved using nitrates.

According to the American Institute of Research against Cancer, this type of food meat is linked to an increased risk of colon cancer. However, if you like a good turkey sandwich, there are free versions available without salt and nitrate in several stores of organic products. Try to toast fresh meat in your sandwich.

If you are pregnant, it is important not to eat a sandwich containing meat processed unless these were heated to 70 ° C (with sandwich). According to experts, eating processed food can make you catch listeriosis. Miscarriage, premature birth, infections, and even the end of life the baby can occur during childbirth a woman with listeriosis.

healthy meats

4. The white meat is it a healthy meats?

Firstly, it seems worth noting that red meat and white meat differ in their color only because of the amount of myoglobin which is close to the hemoglobin protein found in muscles of the animal.

It is then good to note that red meat and white meat contain as much protein but also iron one than the other and are often advised to eat more white meat than red meat because it accoutrerait risks colon or intestine.

healthy meats

But often it includes white rather than red meat in diets because they are less fat and less calories but still it is not really advise to ban red meat, the ideal is to consume time time because they also have beneficial effects on the body at the level of vitamins.